God who created man out of love also calls him to love. For man is created in the image and likeness of God who is Himself love. Since God created them man and woman, their mutual love becomes an image of the absolute and unfailing love with which God loves man. It is good, very good, in the Creator's eyes. (CCC1604)
First Time Getting Married
Congratulations on your engagement! Engaged couples should call the parish office before making any other arrangements at least six months in advance of their desired wedding date. A prospective bride or groom must be registered in the parish to arrange for the wedding.
The Pre-Cana class is an exciting opportunity to learn more about the Sacrament of Marriage and to spend some time strengthening your relationship. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia offers Pre-Cana classes regularly. For upcoming dates, please contact the Parish Office. You may also take the Pre-Cana class at any parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as long as it is an Archdiocesan sanctioned course. You will need to bring the certificate of completion that you receive from the coordinator of the course with you and present it to the priest who his preparing you for marriage.
The FOCCUS survey is a resource to ensure engaged couples have talked about all the important issues as they prepare to enter the Sacrament of Marriage. All couples may complete this survey online prior to Pre-Cana classes. Contact the Parish Office to register for the survey. Please provide both bride and groom’s email address for the survey. Cost is $20 (payable at time of online registration).
Want Your Marriage Blessed?
If you have never had your marriage blessed by the Catholic Church (meaning that you are simply civilly married), you are welcomed to contact a priest of our parish to discuss how you might receive this wonderful sacrament of grace. It could be a lot easier than you think! Please contact the Parish Office.
Seeking Marriage Annulment Information?
If you have been married before, have achieved a civil divorce, and now seek an annulment, please contact one of our priests who can guide you through this process.
Some ask why we need to get an annulment before marrying again in the Church. Yet we rarely question the need for a civil divorce and lawyers before civilly marrying again. The civil separation process requires time, defenses and arguments, lawyers and investigations. But that only really addresses part of the separation. For the believer, marriage is meant to last till death do us part. There was also a commitment made either explicitly or implicitly before God in the intention of getting married. This dimension must also be investigated and pondered to see which, if any, reasons could lead to a declaration of annulment.
Annulments are not simply a “church-sanctioned divorce.” Divorce is not sanctioned by our Lord. Annulments go back to declare there never really was a marriage in the first place. This might seem technical, but it is radically different. In order to confer the sacrament, the spouses must truly intend what the Church intends for marriage. It must also be said in the same breath that once an annulment is declared, none of the children from such a union are considered in any way “illegitimate.” Every human life and every human child is precious and valued in the eyes of God and the Church.
We deeply understand that annulments can be a painful process. For this reason, it is vitally important to have a priest accompany you gently and compassionately on this road of healing. Sometimes the issue can be resolved locally in the parish (this is called an annulment by lack of form) and other times you will be counseled and guided to go through the Archdiocese. We prefer to accompany you locally as best we can. Even though this process can be difficult, please know that the Church wants to accompany you down the path towards peace and grace in your marriage and your family life. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Note: There are no costs attached to this process, though donations to cover Canon Lawyer fees are appreciated if their services are needed.