Registered Parishioners of the Church of St. Joseph receive personalized donation envelopes each month. When you are unable to attend Mass, please mail your envelopes to the Church of St. Joseph, 3334 Concord Road, Aston, PA. Please do not leave envelopes in the Parish Office mailbox. We invite our envelope users to switch to online giving through Online Giving or your bank's online bill pay function. Please give us a call with any questions.
Arrangements can be offered in memory of a loved one or for a special intention, with notation in the weekly bulletin.The cost for a floral arrangment is $125., please contact the parish office.
Please remember the poor and those out of work in our community. Many families are living paycheck to paycheck and many do not have the financial ability to get needed food or personal items. The NEED is REAL.
If you are able, please continue to bring non-perishable food to the red bin in the lower church lobby. Food placed in the red bin is donated to the Missionaries of Charity and Anna's Place. Donations can be made any time. The chapel doors are open daily from 6:30 am until 4:00 pm (3:00 pm in the summer), Saturday 8:00 am until 6:00 pm, and Sunday 6:00 am until 12:30 pm.
God bless your generosity of thoughtfulness, prayers, and support for those in need.
Parishioners can offer up prayer intentions for Mary’s and St. Joseph’s intercession by lighting candles in St. Mary’s Chapel. Many make a visit before or after Sunday Mass or during the week when the chapel is open. The donations made there go towards funding our ongoing general parish needs.
We have three gold-colored poor boxes - two located in the gathering space of the main church and one located outside of Mary’s Chapel. Donations go directly to helping those in need, to both parishioners and people in the local area. Thank you for caring for the poor among us. This is continuing an ageless tradition among Christians since the time of the Apostles and it remains the sign and mark of true Christian love and concern for our neighbors.